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Differences Between Quantitative and Qualittative Research

Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Quantitative methods are called traditional methods because this method has been used for a long time, so it has been inherited as a method for research. This method is called the positivistic method because it is based on the philosophy of positivism. This method is also called the discovery method because with this method can be found and developed a variety of new science and technology. This method called quantitative method because the research data in the form of numbers and analysis using statistic.
Qualitative research methods are named as new methods, because of their recent popularity, called the postpositivistic method because it is based on the philosophy of postpositivism. This method is also called the artistic method, because the research process is more artistic (less patterned), and is called an interpretive method because the research results are more concerned with the interpretation of data found in the field

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