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Testing, Assessing, & Teaching

Testing, Assessing, and Teaching
·      Test 
è Method
è Measuring
è person’s ability, knowledge, or performance
è given domain
Test is a process carried out by someone to know person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain

·      Assessment
è An on going process
è Encompassing
è Wider domain

·      Teaching
è The process of carrying out certain activity that experience has shown to be effective in getting students to learn
è Setting up the opportunities for learners to listen, think, take, risks, set goals, and process feedback from the “coach” and then recycle through  the skills that they are trying to master

·      Types of Assessment
1.       Informal & formal assessment
2.       Formative & Summative assessment
3.       Norm-referenced & criterion-referenced assessment

·      Approaches of to Language Testing
1.       Descrite-Point and Integrative testing
2.       Communicative language testing
3.       Performanced-based testing

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